While it's encouraging to see someone like Joseph Lowery address the crowd, the choice should not be between one pastor who's OK with the fact that LGBT people exist and another who plain doesn't like us. Presenting them side-by-side creates an illusion that acknowledging LGBT people's humanity is a choice on which respectable people can disagree. But it's not - opposing equal rights and others' basic autonomy is a moral failing.
I've read a lot of stuff from people far more eloquent than me about this whole fiasco, but I think this is a really important point to make. If the goal was to be inclusive, why not include clergy from a non-Christian faith? Or is it okay to step on them, too?
My dad has a post up on how we should just not have an invocation. Personally, I find the whole religion-in-politics deal vaguely creepy, and picking someone like Warren just makes it worse.
Turning in college applications next week. Wish me luck!
Also via Bilerico:
What Obama and his team need to realize is that this is not about politics. While many may view this a political disagreement, it is not. This is personal. This is about our very lives. It is about the dignity, the very existence of our community as Americans and as human beings.
This is what bothers me so much when people get into debates about gay rights - it's like gay people are some vague, political abstract or a card to be played. We are people with lives and families and, you know, human dignity, and we're treated as a political issue. Picking Rick Warren keeps it in the category of politics and ignores our real lives and how hurt we are by all of this crap.
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